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“Negotiate to Elevate: How to Secure the Job Package YOU Want”

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What Is Your Superpower and How to Effectively Cultivate It?

What do you think of when you hear the word “superpower”? Captain Marvel flying or Wonder Women deflecting bullets with her special bracelets? Those are technically superpowers, but there’s a whole other category of superpowers that directly pertain to you and what you’re able to accomplish personally and professionally.

Think about the benefits and value that come from better understanding who you are and your inherent strengths as they relate to the workplace. These superpowers can help you partner with others with accuracy, navigate difficult challenges with grace, and move with boldness to deliver needed outcomes.

In our June 2022 event “Cultivating Your Superpower” we dug into this topic starting with an amazing keynote from Theresa Caragol, business influencer and mentor. She discussed how identifying and strengthening your superpowers can help you partner with others with accuracy, navigate difficult challenges with grace, boost self-care, and move with boldness to deliver needed outcomes. Here is a link to that keynote presentation! Have a pen ready because, trust us, you’re going to want to jot down some notes.

For the second half of the event we offered attendees the opportunity to participate in one of ten small roundtable discussions on a superpower of their choice: (1) Amplifying Others, (2) Change Management, (3) Empathy, (4) Executive Presence, (5) Grit, (6) Leadership, (7) Listening, (8) Managing Conflict, (9) Negotiating, and (10) Self Awareness. But because not everyone could attend, and because some people may have more than one superpower we compiled the top takeaways from each discussion and pulled it together into this infographic.

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