
Bouncing Back: Turning Layoffs Into Comebacks

Let’s be honest, layoffs suck. Reductions in force are awful, but especially for women in revenue roles who may be battling imposter syndrome, feeling like they need to prove their worth, or who find fulfillment in their contributions in the workplace.

Even though “your job has been eliminated” is probably the worst five words you can hear, consider that this setback can actually be your stepping stone to something better.

That said, it may be too soon to consider that alternative train of thought. If you’ve been laid off, perhaps you just want to get a good cry in, be mad about the situation, or even take a beat to collect yourself. And that is OK and healthy.

When you’re ready and willing, we’re here to help you evolve your thought process and see this as a directional arrow for your career.

Tenisha Griggs, Founder & CEO of 37X Digital Marketing Agency recently hosted a Huddle* for Women in Revenue to help other women in career transitions learn how to make the most of this tricky time – that time between laid off and gainfully employed again. So, bookmark this page if you’re not yet ready. But if you are, let’s go with a four step process to get you back in the game.

*Women in Revenue Huddles are one-few mentorship opportunities available exclusively to our members. They are workshop-based and we offer between three and six per quarter on a variety of professional development topics.

Start With A Skills and Goals Inventory

There is no better moment to explore new paths. This is a great time to reflect on your unique skills and past achievements. It’s a great time to journal, jot them all down, or speak into a voice recorder about what you are really good at, what you love doing, and what you can get paid well for. This is not just an exercise in pacifying yourself – knowing your strengths will build your confidence and give you a clear next steps.

Next, let’s set some achievable goals. Not process goals, but envision your future. Answer a few of these questions while envisioning you back at work:

  • How does your job fill you up?
  • How does it fit into your life?
  • How are you treated at work?
  • What challenges or problems do you tackle?
  • How are you growing?
  • Who do you work with?

You may want to consider your long-term career aspirations. Or you may just want to find the next best step. Either way, visualize how you’re being treated when (not if) you find the next best position for you.

Get Serious About Your Self-Care

Your mental and physical health are your greatest assets, especially now. So it becomes crucial that you prioritize your well-being. Reduce stress by exercising, meditating or journaling, and getting proper sleep. Establish a self-care routine and stick to it. Consistency is key.

One Women in Revenue member, when she was furloughed, walked 25 miles per week just to keep her stress low. She combined that with waking early to walk, using early morning sunlight to help guide her circadian rhythm and get higher quality sleep. Two birds, one stone.

Don’t go at it alone. You are in excellent company. There are many women who have been in your exact position, so reconnecting with peers, seeking professional guidance, and building a support system will be essential for you. Sometimes just talking to someone who has “been there, done that” can make a world of difference.

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Identify Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Now is the perfect time to step back, reflect, and build your USP, or that which makes you, you. It’s what sets you apart from other candidates. You can use your USP in an elevator pitch, on your resume, or even your LinkedIn headline. Here are a few examples from some of our members:
Fractional RevOps and CRO | 5x Operator | Board Member | Advisor | Mother | Heart-forward Leader
Author | Growth-Focused Chief Marketing Strategist | DEIJ Leadership
SaaS Growth Executive and Passionate People Leader

When you craft a compelling superpower statement that highlights your skills, experiences, and motivations, potential employers see the value you bring. Beyond potential employers, you’ll also be able to network in a memorable way. For example, one executive was able to share with her contacts that in her last role she “doubled the headcount, tripled the revenue, and quadrupled the profits.” Talk about memorable!

Use your USP to build a strong professional profile. Enhance your LinkedIn and other online presences to showcase your expertise and achievements. Tools like ChatGPT, Jobscan, and Otta can help you customize your resume and cover letters to match specific job descriptions as you apply for, or network toward your next role.

Build a Schedule to Keep You on Track

A structured schedule can be your bestie during this transition. Doing so will help you manage your time effectively and stay organized. It’ll keep you on track, help you understand what success is day-in and day-out, even if you don’t get the interview. You can create a weekly routine that includes some of the following:

  • Specific times for job searching
  • A networking goal for each week
  • Learning agendas and goals
  • Designated time for self-care

Networking is crucial – schedule virtual coffee dates, attend events, and join professional groups. When you meet with other people and clearly state your USP and what type of role you’re looking for, these connections can open doors to new opportunities.

Regularly review and adjust your plan. Celebrate when you get a win of any kind. Stay flexible and resilient, and be ready to navigate challenges as they come.

Recommended Resources

Here are some tools that Tenisha mentioned during her Women in Revenue Huddle that can help you on your journey:

  • Jobscan for optimizing your resume.
  • Otta to discover top companies and job opportunities.
  • LinkedIn Job Search for job searches and networking.
  • ChatGPT for resume tailoring and interview preparation.
  • Commsor to enhance your professional networking.
  • Copilot for AI-powered job search assistance.

Tying it all together

Turning a layoff into a comeback isn’t easy, but it’s possible. With resilience, strategic planning, and resourcefulness, you can navigate this transition with confidence and purpose. Remember, setbacks are just setups for greater comebacks. Stay proactive, focus on your self-care, and use your unique strengths to find the next best opportunity for you. It’s out there for you.

Download this infographic for a quick reference guide on these key steps. [Download Now]

At Women in Revenue, we’re here for you! Become a member and gain access to our marquee Mentorship Program as well as a community of nearly 8,000 other women in revenue-generating roles.

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