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WIR TV September 2022: Sexual Harassment

Avoiding hard conversations does not lead to progress… Which is why WIR teamed up with Sarah Harkness, CRO at Cattle Dog Digital and Tarveen Forrester, Head of People Operations and Diversity at Tastemade to talk about a tough but incredibly important topic that is relevant to not only women in revenue generating roles but to all women and allies alike:

Why Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Must End Now

The 2022 Definitive State of Women In Revenue Report shows: One-quarter of women in professional services and revenue operations roles listed sexual harassment as one of their top three challenges. Minority women across roles also listed sexual harassment as a top challenge, with 29% of Hispanic/Latina, 27% of Native American, and 25% of Black respondents choosing it compared to 21% for all respondents. This is an issue that needs to be talked about and brought to light because it’s still pervasive in the workplace and steps must be taken both individually as well as at the corporate level to change this!

Watch this episode of WIR for an insightful and impactful conversation on why sexual harassment in the workplace must end now, and steps you can take to move in the right direction. 

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