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WIR TV November 2022: Power Moms

Let’s face it: Burnout is real. It’s everywhere. Working mothers are feeling it, especially in recent years as the COVID-19 pandemic blurred the line between office responsibilities and family duties at home.

Approximately 9.8 million working mothers in the U.S. are suffering from workplace burnout. A reported one million working mothers stopped working altogether during the pandemic. Filling or choosing between these roles isn’t new, but the challenges of current events have made that decision even more difficult.

Women Can Have It All… Just Not Always At The Same Time

Balancing a career with having children is a tale as old as time, especially for women who have to work twice as hard to prove they can be successful as both a parent and a professional. For decades, women have been faced with the decision to choose family or a career, or they can ‘have it all’ but are met with roadblocks, struggles and challenges unique to their position in society.

WIR teamed up with Joann Lublin, author of ‘Power Moms’ and The Wall Street Journal‘s first career advice columnist, and Damaris Santiago, VP of Marketing at Skan, to explore their important insights on this topic.

Watch the episode for advice and expert perspectives on this important topic, moderated by Hana Jacover, Chief Hype Officer and Coach at Hype House Coaching.

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