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WIR TV January 2022: Gaslighting

‘Gaslighting’ was the word of the year for 2022, according to Merriam-Webster. The term refers to the subtle psychological manipulation of an individual in an attempt to make that person feel confused or doubt themselves.

In work settings, gaslighting can be used to diminish an employee’s accomplishments by redirecting credit for their work or excluding them from important and relevant meetings and conversations.

One poll shows 58% of workers have experienced this type of gaslighting at work, which can easily drive stellar employees to quit their jobs. 

Watch our WIR TV episode, ‘How Gaslighting Is Hurting Women, Equity and Belonging At Work,’ to hear from Dr. Beth Kaplan, Belonging Researcher and Champion, and Claudia Gonzalez, Business Development & Digital Marketing Manager at CoinCloud, who dig into the harmful effects of this manipulation tactic on people and corporate cultures — particularly women and women of color.

Key points in this episode include:

  • How to identify gaslighting behaviors in the workplace
  • What to do when you are being gaslit 
  • Where to seek support outside of your organization


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