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[Live Event On-Demand] Relationships for the Win: Community and Giving As a Growth Driver

On January 12 – Women in Revenue led a keynote panel at Sendoso’s annual Elevate event in Las Vegas, NV about the importance of community and giving.

Our amazing panel included:
Lydia Floccini: CMO @ SurePoint Technologies
Michelle Palleschi: President & COO @ Sendoso
Lori Richardson: CEO & President @ Score More Sales

WIR’s Executive Director, Deanna Ransom, moderated the conversation, addressing how the world is now driven by authentic relationships which are nurtured whether business or personal. For business, and especially women in business, community matters and can make a tremendous difference in terms of growth both personally and for the business.

This is why forging the right relationships and creating a virtuous circle of caring, connectedness and compassion through community and giving is a tremendous growth driver for business and individuals.

Listen to the recording of this session HERE and learn about:
– Why community and giving matter now more than ever
– Why community and giving means even more for women in business
– Ways to create personal engagements in a digital world
– Why businesses should focus on community partnership, giving and empowering women in revenue roles for growth

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